In Ecclesiastes 12.1, King Solomon challenged his readers, saying, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, ‘I have no pleasure in them.'”
At Emmanuel Baptist Church, we are committed to raising up our youth
to be servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, who know His Word and do His
will. We believe that our students are the church, not the future
church, nor the church in training, any more than the rest of the Bride
of Christ.
We strive be good worshippers, lovers of Christ and His present Kingdom. We believe that parents are the spiritual leaders of their children, and we pray for, come alongside, and undergird the family. We desire to create an environment where youth can be themselves and discover who God calls them to be. We want them to minister to each other, the entire church family, our community, and the world.
We invite you to come and be a part of our Youth Group. We are sure you will fit in and form friendships that will last a lifetime.
Sunday morning Bible study is one of the few times where we divide
our group into smaller groups by age. With teachers who love students
and the Bible, these studies delve into knowing our great God and our
fallen world.
Disciple-Makers-Sunday 5:30 PM
Year round, we are studying how to be a disciple with the intention that all of us are called to make disciples. Each week we wrestle with God’s call meeting our humanity. This class is for middle and high school students.
IMPACT-Wednesday 6:00-7:30 PM
On Wednesdays, we worship, we pray, we plan mission and ministry
opportunities, we ask hard questions and hear hard answers. Each
Wednesday is different. This is our chance to recharge for the week. In
the summers only, we do something “extra” after IMPACT each week.
In addition to our weekly events, many exciting seasonal events are
added to the Student Ministry Calendar to encourage and challenge
students in their relationship with Christ. Whether a concert, See You
at the Pole, D-Now weekend, a camping trip, a Destination Unknown, or a
weekend retreat is on the calendar, these are moments your student does
not want to miss!
Also, opportunities to serve are given to the students throughout the year. We are always trying to serve the Church and community. In our church, we serve at the Easter event for our children and the Fall Fair. We serve during Vacation Bible School and at any church-wide meal, we serve the church family. We serve the food at the annual Deacon-Widow Christmas Banquet as well as work projects on our building and grounds. We also are always trying to plug students into serving in Emmanuel’s many ministries. If students have desire and/or ability, then they are encouraged to serve.
We whole-heartedly strive to engage and involve the youth in the life of the church. We want to be in the middle of what God is doing in our church. This may not be what students want, but it is what they need. The roots, the connection and experience of Emmanuel is not something we do from afar.
We also serve our community through a variety of ministries as called
upon and needed.
On top of these events, each month we add a couple of extra events to our schedule to give the students time together and various experiences, since they attend so many different schools. These times are fun, yet purposeful. These extras each month could include fellowships, home Bible studies, parties, eating out, game nights, sporting events, events with other churches, and trips to fireworks, the Maze, paintball, the Red River Revel, and more.